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Dall Energy’s vision & mission

At Dall Energy, biomass is considered a valuable resource… 

There is an old saying in English which goes: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” or as Jens Dall Bentzen likes to say “Some call it waste, we call it energy”.

This mindset is at the heart of our approach where the residual biomass products such as garden and park waste or wood chips get a new life.

The main part of our patented biomass technology centers around the use of biomass resources that exist naturally in the local areas, and thus can be utilized at the local heating plant.

Dall Energy is unique since we offer biomass technology that ensures low cost, low emissions and high efficiency. Our technology is simultaneously capable of local as well as international integration. 

Here at Dall Energy, we have a vision of getting recognized as the global leader in biomass gasification technology. We strive to lead the way for the green transition by lowering emissions and contributing to the mitigation of climate change.

That is why we are dedicated to spreading our gasification technology, which can replace the use of fossil fuels with biomass in the heating and industrial sector. With our technology that allows biomass as a combustible, we can help our customers reduce their CO2 emissions.