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Cookie Policy

1. General

This cookie policy is based on the requirements of the "Executive Order on Information and Consent Requirements for Storing or Accessing Information in End Users' Terminal Equipment." The executive order contains a number of rules regarding information and consent on which cookies are stored on your computer.

When you visit this website, a range of information about you, your computer, and your behavior on the website is collected. In this cookie policy, you can read detailed information about the data we collect, how we process it, what we use it for, who has access to the data, and who you can contact regarding the collected data.

By visiting and using this website, you also consent to this cookie policy and the collection of information about you.

2. Cookies

When you visit this website, you will automatically receive one or more cookies. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can click here: for instructions on how to avoid receiving cookies and delete the cookies that are already stored on your hard drive.

2.1 What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser and recognized by the website upon returning visits, allowing it to send personalized information to your browser. A cookie can contain text, numbers, or, for example, a date, but no personal information is stored in a cookie. It is not a program, and it cannot contain viruses.

2.2 How long do we store cookies?

The cookies sent to you from this website will be stored for a maximum of 24 months from the last time you visited the website. Each time you revisit our website, the period is extended. Therefore, the cookies in question are stored for a maximum of 24 months from your last visit to our website.

2.3 How do I avoid cookies?

If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can block all cookies, delete existing cookies from your computer, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. You can find more information on how to avoid cookies by clicking on this link:

The link contains instructions for the most common and widely used browsers, but some may not be mentioned. You can usually use the help function in your browser to get more information about cookie settings. This is typically done by pressing F1 on your PC. Search for "cookies."

2.4 What are cookies used for on our websites?

We use cookies to determine who visits our website, as well as to maintain demographic and user-related statistics. This allows us to customize and create content and services that match your and other users' interests and preferences.

We also use cookies to deliver more targeted advertising. For all online advertising formats, we track whether you click on the delivered ads.

2.5 Cookies from our partners

In this section, you will find an overview of which partners send cookies via our website and have access to the information collected through cookies sent from our websites.

  • Squarespace
  • Facebook/Instagram

These cookies are not used to record personal data unless you explicitly give permission.

Data may be passed on to third parties in anonymized form to target marketing and gain better knowledge about users. Information may also be disclosed to third parties if required by regulatory authorities.

2.6 Cookies from advertising networks

In this section, you will find an overview of which advertising networks send cookies via our website:

  • Facebook/Instagram

These cookies are used to target ads to you based on what is considered most relevant according to the content of the pages you visit and have visited previously. If you do not wish to participate in these networks, you can opt out collectively or individually here:

2.7 Contact Information

If you would like more information about this website and the use of cookies, you are welcome to contact us.