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About our products 

Worldwide equipment supplier

As an equipment provider, we supply our patented technology. Internationally, the delivery typically includes our own biomass gasification furnace with critical key components, control system and supervision of installation and full commissioning. This is built into complete energy plants by the owner themselves or by a turnkey contractor.

Turnkey supplier of complete energy plants

In Denmark and specific European countries, we offer turnkey delivery of energy plants as an EPC contractor. This entails a complete electromechanical supply of technical systems, excluding construction work. We ensure that the design meets our clients’ demands, as well as the proper integration and optimization of the technical systems. This option is particularly suitable for clients who prefer not to manage all internal interfaces themselves and seek guaranteed overall performance of the plant.

Lykke Friis

"The project shows how Danish companies create new innovative solutions to a globally recognized problem: how best to utilize the energy resources of biomass and waste, so we can become independent of oil and coal"

Lykke Friis

former Danish Minister for Energy & Climate