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12 MW cogeneration plant in Sorø, Denmark


Plant specifications


Client: AffaldPlus
Location: Sorø, Denmark
Type of plant : Cogeneration plant
Capacity: 12 MW heat and 1 Mwe electricity
Fuel : Garden & park waste
Technology: Biomass gasification furnace with ORC/hot oil system
Operational since: 2021

Residents heat themselves almost 100% on their own garden waste

The residents of Sorø and Frederiksberg have been able to contribute almost 100% to their own heat production since the opening of the cogeneration plant in Sorø. This is on account of the plant mainly using garden and park waste as biomass fuel, including waste from the residents' private gardens. In the local area, there are 30 recycling stations where residents can drop off their garden waste.

The residents can hereby get rid off there garden waste while also becoming metaphorically “self-sufficient”, when it comes to heating their own home. Our technology allows garden waste as fuel which is more sustainable for the environment compared to other types of fuel.

Among the collected garden waste, leaves and easily compostable material which has a low calorific value, are separated from the garden waste and then transported to the agricultural fields, packed with good nutrients like phosphorus. The garden waste of the residents thus also helps to fertilize agricultural crops.



Tommy Fer, driftschef hos Sorø Fjernvarme, præsenterer her varmeværket. 

Operations manager Tommy Fer from AffaldPlus shares how they chose Dall Energy's technology over other candidates:

  • Dall Energy’s technology can operate on garden waste as fuel, which is more sustainable compared to natural gas.
  • When composting garden waste climate sinners such as Co2 and methane are released. However, once you combust garden waste in a biomass gasification furnace, you release Co2 but extract the energy.
  • The gasification system is the most robust system capable of handling garden waste as fuel.
  • The plant has reduced 10.000 tonnes of Co2 emissions per year derived from natural gas.
  • Garden waste as fuel follows the cycle of the year and seasons.
  • Dall’s system and technology is more financially advantageous in the long run. The customers of Sorø Fjernvarme experience consistent savings of more than 25% compared to previous heating prices.

Complete boiler-island for cogeneration plant

The plant is designed to run 100% on garden and park waste; however, it is also capable of using regular wood chips, which provides good fuel flexibility. The CHP plant provides up to 12 MW of heat and 1 MWe of electricity. The delivery consisted of our biomass gasification furnace, hot oil boiler, including all associated auxiliary equipment for the plant including fans, pumps, a fuel feeding system, ash handling system and electrical & control systems.

It was a turnkey delivery that included the design, procurement, equipment installation and commissioning.

Tommy Fer Hjemmeside

"We are proud of our cogeneration plant in Sorø. Sorø Fjernvarme has reduced Co2 emissions by 10.000 tons annually, derived from natural gas. The biomass we use at the plant is part of an annual cycle, as people's gardens grow each year, providing us with a consistent supply of garden waste. Our plant in Sorø also offers more affordable energy to our customers compared to a traditional gas-fired cogeneration plant"

Tommy Fer

Operations Manager