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Advantages of our technology 

Highly efficient and sustainable heating plants that can operate on a very wide mix of cheaper fuels.

Our plants are based on our own patented biomass gasification furnace. Our gasifier has received numerous awards and is recognized by the industry as one of the best technologies for heating solutions on the market. The gasification technology provides many advantages compared to traditional grate incineration solutions i.e.: 

  • Extremely high fuel flexibility (Can operate on lower quality/cheaper fuel types such as pallets, garden & park waste, fibers from biogas production, bark and smaller branches etc.)
  • Possibility of mixing various types of fuels with different levels of humidity ranging from 20%-60%
  • Quick load regulation between 10% - 100%
  • Very low emissions even excluding flue gas cleaning (For more information see under Very low emissions)

  • Lowest Total Cost of Ownership
  • Lower maintenance costs
  • Stable operation

Our plants generate energy more sustainably and cost-effectively compared to alternative technologies.