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Dall Energy’s biomass gasification furnace 

How our furnace works

Biomass is dried and pyrolyzed in the top of the fuel layer. Further down in the fuel layer, the biomass is gasified into burnable gasses and ash.

The heat for drying and pyrolysis comes partly from below from partial combustion of the gasification products themselves, and partly from above as radiation heat from the furnace chamber itself. The amount of primary air injection is about half of what is used in traditional grate incineration. 

The furnace bottom itself has a relatively large surface area and these two factors result in a low air velocity in the fuel layer. This reduces the carry-over of particles from the fuel and results in a flue gas with a very low dust content.

The syngas is combusted in the furnace chamber in a very stable process in which the temperature is kept at a constant via flue gas circulation. Our monitoring system enables operations with lower excess air ratios compared to traditional incineration grate furnaces. This enables, among other things, an exceptionally high overall efficiency.

Our patented furnace combines updraft gasification with a direct combustion of the gas. Check out the animation to the right of our furnace.





Cheap fuel

10%-100% load

Cheaper maintenance

95% less dust in the smoke

Low Nox and CO

Lower electrical self-consumption