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Very low emissions

Bagfilters and electrofilters are not needed

Our biomass gasification furnace emits very little dust. Bagfilters and electrofilters are not needed. Low gas velocity in the furnace results in low dust content and the flue gas condensation removes enough dust to comply with European regulations, so filters are not needed.

This leads to lower consumption of electricity and less maintenance. The system additionally uses 50% less primary air than with grate fired solutions, which allows for lower Nox emissions. The table below provides an overview of air emissions of our own furnace compared to the latest Danish law requirements.  The table to the right shows examples from our plants.

Air emissions

Legal requirements

Dall Energy technology

Dust [mg/Nm3] (in the EU)

30 mg

30 – 60 mg out of furnace.

10 – 20 mg after condensation.

NOx [mg/Nm3]  (in the EU)


300 mg 100-240 mg
CO [mg/Nm3]:

  < 5 mg
at 100% load

850 mg

< 10 mg
at 10% load

850 mg

< 20 mg





The table above demonstrates the relevant Danish law requirements for air emissions regulation BEK nr. 751 af 28/05/2018 (according to the EU MCP Directive).

The requirements are defined at 273.15 K, 101.3 kPa and 6% O2 dry basis.